Success Stories of StairwAI 2nd Open Call: The Blue Box is Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection

Breaking new ground in the realm of medical innovation, The Blue Box presents a remarkable advancement in breast cancer detection. Keep on reading to gain deeper insights into their innovative solution and discover the pivotal role that the StairwAI programme played in advancing their project.
- Please introduce your company in one sentence.
At The Blue Box, we have developed a device-enabled AI algorithm to detect breast cancer in urine with a sensitivity similar to the mammogram, pain-free, low-cost, accessible, and radiation-free. - Kindly provide a one-paragraph description of your project.
Women aged 20-49 cannot get breast cancer screened because existing solutions are unreliable. However, they want to, and 81% are ready to pay for it. At The Blue Box, we have built a radiation-free, pain-free, low-cost, accessible and easy-to-operate device to detect breast cancer in urine with a sensitivity of 83%, accuracy of 79%, and specificity of 75%. We’ll offer The Blue Box to private women’s clinics (EU, 2024) and walk-in stores (US, 2026) through a monthly subscription (license to use our SW) and a fee per test - How is the StairwAI support program contributing to the development of your solution?
AI is an essential part of our solution, thus working with the AI experts will contribute to creating a secure and reliable cloud system, working on the preprocessing of the data analyzed, and subsequently optimizing software resources. - Could you outline the upcoming roadmap or plan for the next few months?
1- Finding the correct preprocessing pipeline, and collecting data from the final device.
2- AI Model selection and training.
3- Online integration of algorithm and data base.
In an era defined by unprecedented technological strides, The Blue Box’s device-enabled AI algorithm stands as a beacon of progress, heralding a future where breast cancer detection is not only accurate and reliable but also devoid of discomfort and radiation exposure. We are looking forward to seeing the next steps!