WP1: Project Management

The objective of the management Work Package is the smooth implementation of the project.

WP2: Technical Requirements, Service Layer Design and Integration with the Platform

The objectives of this Work Package are mainly devoted to the collection of requirements for the services that will be developed in StairwAI. Following the requirements, the design of the service layer, along with its integration in the AI-on-Demand Platform, will be performed.

WP3: Platform Knowledge and Community Organisation

The main objective of Work Package 3 is the development of an ontology of AI techniques that covers all areas of AI.

WP4: Multi-lingual Interaction with the Platform

To ease the access to AI assets and people, the Platform should enable users to interact with the Platform using chat bots speaking the users’ native language. This Work Package aims to develop this service implementing natural language processing.

WP5: Horizontal Matchmaking, Reputation and Fairness

This Work Package is intended to produce the horizontal matchmaking services that start from the users’ need and map them on the AI assets required.

WP6: Vertical Matchmaking and Hardware Marketplace

The vertical matchmaking service design and development is the main objective of this Work Package.

WP 7: Open Call Management

The main objectives of this Work Package are the development and management of the Open Call process.

WP8: Outreach Activities and Long-term Sustainability

This Work Package is intended as a transversal and integrated range of activities ensuring the communication and the visibility of the project, the promotion of its results and the long-term sustainability actions.

WP 9: Ethics Requirements

The objective of this Work Package is to ensure
compliance with the ethics requirements.